We’re always on the lookout for new stallholders! The Gloucester Farmers Market primarily focuses on regional growers and producers from within our Local Government Area (LGA), but we also welcome select artisans. Each artisan application is assessed on an individual basis. If you’re interested in becoming a stallholder or want more information about the types of stalls at the Gloucester Farmers Market, we encourage you to read our Market Charter. This document will answer most of your questions and help guide you through the process. New Stallholder Application Please print out and complete the application form and risk assessment (see link below). Forward these with a copy of your insurance to the Market coordinator 14 days prior to market day. You will be notified via email whether your application was successful.
The market charter and site induction are for your records. Please take the time to read through these documents as they explain general information relating to the market and mandatory work, health, safety information.
Council Policy – MidCoast Council In March 2019, MidCoast Council implemented a Market Policy that applies to all markets throughout the MidCoast Council local government area and applies to all regular markets approved by Council on Council owned land and/or Council controlled public land including halls and public buildings. This policy ensures that a contemporary and consistent process exists for assessing market applications and for allocating and managing licences for markets held on Council land or land under the care and control of Council. All food stall operators must complete the below Notification Form (see link below) and return it to Council to be issued with a current ‘Approval Letter’. Once your Approval Letter has been issued, you will be able to attend Markets through the Mid Coast area in 2022. Without that letter, you are unable to set-up and trade. Completed forms should be submitted at a MidCoast Council office or emailed to [email protected] If you have any questions relating to your Notification application or Market Policy, please call MidCoast Council on (02) 65917222